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This award was established to honor Dr. Douglas K. Richardson’s contributions to child health services, perinatal and pediatric research, and the Society for Pediatric Research. The award honors the lifetime achievement of an investigator who has made substantive contributions in child health.

Submission Timeline: August 15 - September 30


  • Must be child health researchers of any specialty or advanced degree, including PhD researchers.
  • Must have displayed a sustained record of excellence as a clinical investigator.
  • Does not have to be a member of the Society for Pediatric Research.

Nomination Requirements

  • Curriculum Vitae of Nominee.
    • Include research activities.
  • Detailed Letter of Nomination providing evidence of substantive research contributions in any of the following:
    • Effective utilization of healthcare services.
    • Identification of risk factors for adverse outcomes.
    • General epidemiologic health services studies.
    • Patient-oriented clinical studies that lead to improved healthcare delivery to the neonatal or broad pediatric populations.
  • Three Letters of Support (other than Nominator).
    • Should substantiate the nominee’s research career achievements and/or evidence of mentorship.


  • The Committee for the Douglas K. Richardson Award will be solely responsible for recipient selection.
  • Members of the selection committee cannot nominate or support any nominations.
  • The award will be presented to one individual annually at the PAS Meeting.
  • Awards will only be chosen when there are eligible candidates.


  • Award recognition at the PAS Meeting.
  • Economy-level travel expenses and hotel accommodations for 2 nights will be provided to attend the PAS Meeting.
  • Complimentary registration to PAS Meeting will be provided.
  • The awardee will receive an honorarium after the PAS Meeting. 


For Additional Information contact the SPR Central Office at